Angela Menendez

I identify as a Dominican-born, Afro-Latina-Taina, cis-gendered female who has spent a lifetime on the fringes of traditional “identity” checkboxes. Part of my family came to Maine in early childhood, seeking peace after the trauma of civil war, of which my parents were leaders.

I grew up in a small coastal town, where I was “the only” for many years. I learned to speak English without an accent, as I was taught that assimilation was the key to safety and success. In college I began to explore the truth of my ancestral origins, realizing early on that history has been written from a one-sided perspective.

I succeeded in building a career, raising two children as a solo parent after divorce, and earning my degree through persistence, creativity, and grit.

I am a voracious reader, which has led to a passion for writing and gathering stories that express the myriad of lenses through which each of us experiences the world.

I am in awe and wonder at what makes us human, in all its messiness, determined to help ease suffering, facilitate learning, and spark joy. I bring this to life through practicing Buddhism, spirituality, music, and art, and I am passionate about exploring new ways of solving complex problems with love and compassion.

I strive to integrate years of global leadership through authentic belonging, vulnerable dialogue, and building trust into my coaching relationships and consulting practices.

I firmly believe that we have infinite, untapped human potential to connect with and cultivate our gifts for the betterment of all if we have the courage to invite transformation.

Angela Menendez

(she, her, hers)