Dana Mackey

I am a gender-conforming, heterosexual, white, millennial woman. I grew up in the San Francisco Bay Area, historically the home of the Oholone and Ramaytush Native American peoples.

In 2022, I moved to Reno, NV to be amidst the High Eastern Sierra foothills where I now reside with my partner and dog. I am a lover of the outdoors, especially skiing in the winter, and a devoted yogi, on and off the mat, who has found spiritual guidance in yoga's ancient teachings.

As someone who’s grown up with race and class privilege, I am driven to understand the differential experiences of people based on their social identities and how systems of oppression work to divide us; I am a lifelong learner in this respect.

In my work as an organization development consultant, leadership coach, and educator, I have worked within many diverse client systems and am regularly faced with opportunities to bridge differences and work towards common goals. My purpose as a trained industrial-organizational psychologist is to co-create sustainable positive change in organizations that balances the needs of the individual and enterprise.

I am humbled and honored to be part of this collective that so earnestly and wholeheartedly endeavors to change our relationships, workplaces, communities, and society for the better in the service of our collective liberation.

Dana Mackey, MA

(she, her, hers)