Pamela Hopkins

I am a gender conforming, white, gen x, lesbian and proud Mama to a Latina teenager. I grew up in a working/middle class family in the Northeastern region of the US, and watched my parents sacrifice to make ends meet and provide for me and my two siblings. 

With no religious affiliation, I am truly agnostic and welcome a more universalist approach to life which is built on the aspirations of unity and oneness. Raised by two “women’s libbers” — a father from New England and a mother from the South — I attended my first N.O.W. meeting when I was just five years old and learned early on how to convene, listen and engage in deep conversations across difference. 

For the last 30 years, I have called Oakland, CA home while honing my consulting and coaching practice in all sectors and around the globe, to bring an integrated approach when addressing gnarly, complex issues facing my clients today.

I am deeply committed to creating inclusive, healthy workplace environments by building long bridges that endure and reach across the wide chasms that continue to divide and separate us. I design spaces that address white supremacy, privilege, bias, micro aggressions and more — in containers that promote radical empathy and radical truth telling.

Pamela Hopkins, PhD

(she, her, hers)