Stacy Parson

I am a black, queer, woman who was raised to effectively navigate a world that is anti-who-I-am. I spent many years performing femininity before I put the weight of that down, and now I present as “comfortable.”

I am the mother of two and I practice relationship anarchy. I cultivate courage — in myself and others. I say things that other people won’t, but should. It is being revealed to me that I am entering what I call the Post Ambitious phase of my life — I am arriving at ease with myself in the midst of everyone else’s expections of me.

I work with leaders and their teams to enhance their performance by 1) identifying limiting beliefs and transforming them into breakthrough beliefs, 2) identifying, engaging and navigating friction faster, so they accelerate their impact and 3) realizing more of who they are.

I practice Kung Fu, tarot for leaders, and essential oil curation. I experience fear, but I am not afraid.

Stacy Parson, MBA

(she, her, hers)