Susannah Baldwin

I am a gender conforming, heterosexual, able bodied, mother of two. Growing up in the Bay Area I was the youngest of four children (two spirited brothers and one highly intellectual sister). I was painfully shy, but I learned that there was neither space or time to be shy in my house (if you wanted to be heard you had to speak up). In this environment I had the advantage of absorbing messages of how to speak persuasively and how to speak to hold someone’s attention. I learned that any woman can change her language to change her relationship with her own power and power dynamic with others.

A degree and years working in clinical psychology bolstered my understanding of personality and interpersonal dynamics. My recognition that communication is a critical skill for leadership led me to focus primarily on leadership communication coaching. Over the span of nearly two decades, I have coached top leaders in tech, biotech and entertainment industries, focusing on women’s advancement. Applying my research from clinical psychology, I show women how to recognize the ways in which they circumscribe their own power, and instead align their language and communications choices with their power, ambition, and authority. In 2021 I released a book that supports my work coaching women, called Women, Language and Power: Giving Voice to Our Ambition.

Now, I live in Tiburon and in addition to coaching, I am a master swimmer and enjoy traveling to swim in locations around the world. I am grateful to be working with women to achieve their purpose and ambition. 

Susannah Baldwin, PhD

(she, her, hers)